Smashed Avocado on Toast
Smashed Avocado on Toast
Smashed Avocado on Toast is a new favourite of mine. I tried it reluctantly and found that I loved it! Full of healthy fats and so nutritious it keeps me full until lunchtime and beyond. No snacking after I have this for breakfast!
Serves 1
1 slice of bread
1/2 avocado mashed
1 boiled egg
Boil the egg as required.
Toast bread and mash the avocado.
Layer the avocado on top of the toast and then place half the boiled egg on top.
Serve whilst still warm.
How long to boil an egg:
5 minutes: set white and runny yolk
6 minutes: liquid yolk, a little less runny
7 minutes: almost set
8 minutes: softly set
10 minutes: the classic hard-boiled egg
Additional Notes:
Why not add seasoning to your avocado when you are mashing it or other optional extras can be lemon, herbs, onion or garlic.
Freezing Notes:
Why not use frozen avocado? Defrost and mash before placing on the toast.
Equipment Used:
Saucepan and Timer
Recipe credit: Save Money, Freeze Food.